Sunday, January 10, 2010

WRAP-UP for 2009

I can't believe 2009 is over, our son is five, we're living in France and we've actually been to England, Paris, Disney, Germany, Italy, southern France, Alsace-Lorraine, up Chamchaude and Chamrousse, down to Carcassonne and the Mediterranean Sea, hiked in the Alps, eaten at least 50 kinds of cheese, made at least 50 friends, had soul-mates visit, been in caves, to the circus, gathered nuts, swam in Alpine lakes, attended French music festivals and light festivals and drank our way through Christmas markets. That is only a small taste of what the year has been like. More thoughts in my New Year's posting, but in the meantime to quote a friend, "I wish everyone enough".

If you are interested in photos (which convey our experiences more eloquently than my words), you can access the screen-size (and down-loadable) versions of my slide shows through the Picasa website (photo web albums). To do this I believe you double-click on a slide show in my blog. It will open up a new tab in Picasa web albums. To return to the blog just click on the original blog tab.

Thanks for taking the time to view this window into our lives here.
Though we have met many interesting and warm people in France, we very much miss our family and community that are located elsewhere.

Lots of love and hope to see you soon,


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