Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Friend-filled Surprize

There are some surprizes in life which wait, patiently, persistently looking for the right time. I was recently surprized like that. Some old friends, which is not to say they are chronilogically old, although I think we're all approaching the age where we know what we want and know how to get it, tracked me down. Despite location change, name change and hurtling forward at the speed of a distracted three-year-old with a melting popsicle, they FOUND me!

I was thrilled, am thrilled, like crazy. Suzanne Langdon, Brad Templeton, Steve Rappaport, Dave Shipley and whoever else was looking, thank you SOOOO much. How terribly cool and wonderful to hear from you after all this time. We met in the 80's, but you contribute to who I am every dramatic day of my life.

Next blog will be a thumbnail of my life since we last met in person.

Cheers to wholesome, playful and rich friendships,


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