Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Crazy Daze

I used to think that having children forced one to stop and smell the flowers. It actually forces you to talk about colours and photosythesis, wash grass and petal stains out of your clothes, wipe mud off wee faces and prevent little independent minds from stomping or peeing on the flowers. And do all of it with joy. In any case, here's a quick update of what's going on for us.

Update on Callum:

He's asking the most interesting questions at this point:
"Why don't my hands melt?"
"Do slugs have legs?"
"What does blood do?"
And what he most wants for Christmas, besides every Transformer, Spiderman Figure and Lunar Jim, is a dog. A green dog.

This weekend we started sleep training Callum, finally ousted him from the King-size bed and "abandoned" him (screaming 'til his voice was hoarse) to his big boy tent (much more magical than a regular bed - don't you think?). Currently he is accompanied each night by Lunar Jim, Godzilla and a Gorilla. His new flashlight from Grandma and Grandpa Loewen illuminates his tear-stained face as he cries out, "But I want to sleep with YOU!" And who can blame him. What could be cozier/safer than being tucked between mom and dad. Anyways, bleary -eyed from numerous wake-ups during the night, I greet the dawn with the aches and pains of one not well rested. But he's happy and proud and we know we're on the right track.

Update on Colin:
After only 7 months at Schneider as Technical Support, Colin has been promoted to Premium Support. This involved account management of premium customers. He is also mentoring a new hire.

Regarding Jujitsu, Colin is aiming to test for his black belt in January or February 2008. In the meantime he is trying to attend more often and continues to teach on Thursday nights. Recently his Sensei was approached by a Hollywood contingency regarding having an excellent website. They wanted to know if Sensei Ari and a few of his "boys" would be available for a movie in the future. While this is very much up in the air, it's exciting! Colin - the new Hollywood sex symbol. Seymour Butt step aside.

Update on Ramona:
Callum's preschool has been actively fund-raising selling Christmas trees, plus I'm on the Executive (Secretary) and have Duty Mom days, so it's pretty involved. Awesome people and it's a good place for Callum right now - sets boundaries without squashing his spirit. Callum is attending with his friends Millie and Owen. I still take care of Owen three-five days a week, but no longer have other wee wonders in my charge. Owen and Callum act like brothers and we're chuffed to have him in our lives.

I'm on the Executive (Secretary) of the Vancouver Island Chapter of the Romance Writer's of America. While there's not a lot happening for December, we presented a fantastic workshop with Margie Lawson in November. Every time I do a writing workshop my writing improves exponentially. I finished my second novel in June (TIME OUT - a young adult suspense set in the wilds of Northern Ontario), am working on my third novel (working title is "Long Hot Night" - a romantic suspense set in the Amazon Rainforest).

I've also managed to submit an article to Island Parent this month - it's about inventions for parents who have no time: i.e. a solar powered stroller that jiggles the child while the parent stops to have coffee. I also submitted an erotic short story recently to Scarlet Magazine - it's the premier erotic U.K. magazine for women. Their short story section is called "Cliterature." I thought that was brilliant.

I'm not quite on track with my health goals, but since walking the Victoria Half Marathon I'm still managing to walk 2-3 times a week ... once a week with my gal pals where we do 10 - 20 km. We intending to do the Vancouver Marathon in the spring, and then THE GREAT WALK after that, which is 63.5 kilometers up and down along logging roads ... in 1 day. That will be a milestone for sure.

Callum and my mother both had pneumonia over the last few weeks, which was very distressing. My mother also has an infection in a disc in her neck, and some blocking of vision in her right eye. It's a mystery to the medical profession as to what exactly is going on. Some speculation that she's had a couple of mini-strokes. Mom's cancer doctor, regular doctor and opthamologist are all trying to unravel the mystery. Very stressful for my parents.

Other Family News:
Colin's sister Angie had her 40th birthday this weekend and she, George, Grandma Gilly and Grandpa Tim celebrated by going to Budapest. There were other celebrations in Leeds and Glasgow with family and friends.

My long-standing friend Linda came for a visit in October. What a joy to see her. It's awesome to hang out with a friend who has been through ups and downs with you for 25 years. Puts things in perspective and is so comfortable.

My friend Kelly is coming to visit briefly at Christmas time. I'm thrilled about that also. Callum is looking forward to spending time with her two sons Takiah and Couper, whom he got to know at a cabin in Lake of the Woods this summer.

That's all my news for now.

Christmas blog will contain highlights from the year, like our (Callum and me) cross-Canada train trip across Canada to see the land, family and friends, and our trip to England and Scotland (to see family, friends, the Lake District and other international delights).

May you stay healthy and feel loved,


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